Macos App Development And Dialogue Box For User Input

  • Nov 13, 2012 Building Windows Store apps. How-to-pop-up-a-dialog-boxes-with-user-input Question 3 11/7/2012 11:08:22 AM 3:03:16 AM Using.NET development skills.
  • MacOS doesn’t have Windows 10’s always-displaying search box in the lower-right corner next to the start button. It does, however, always show two icons for searching in the opposite corner of.
  • AppleScript dialog from Unix shell: possible solution. A possible solution to this problem is to display the dialog through the Finder, like this: osascript -e 'tell app 'Finder' to display dialog 'Yada yada yada' This makes the Finder icon jump in the Dock, and when I click it, my dialog is displayed in the foreground.

In this tutorial for C#, you'll use Visual Studio to create and run a console app and explore some features of the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) while you do so.

The xpos and ypos optional arguments specify the horizontal distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the dialog box and the vertical distance from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the dialog box.If you don’t specify these arguments, Excel centers the input dialog box horizontally and positions it approximately one-third of the way down the screen vertically. In this recipe, we'll demonstrate one of the simplest methods used for accepting input from a user, a text input dialog. This website uses cookies and other tracking technology to analyse traffic, personalise ads and learn how we can improve the experience for our visitors and customers.

If you haven't already installed Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio downloads page to install it for free.

If you haven't already installed Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio downloads page to install it for free.

Create a project

To start, we'll create a C# application project. The project type comes with all the template files you'll need, before you've even added anything!

  1. Open Visual Studio 2017.

  2. From the top menu bar, choose File > New > Project.(Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+N).

  3. In the left pane of the New Project dialog box, expand C#, and then choose .NET Core. In the middle pane, choose Console App (.NET Core). Then name the file Calculator.

Add a workload (optional)

If you don't see the Console App (.NET Core) project template, you can get it by adding the .NET Core cross-platform development workload. Here's how.

Option 1: Use the New Project dialog box

  1. Choose the Open Visual Studio Installer link in the left pane of the New Project dialog box.

  2. The Visual Studio Installer launches. Choose the .NET Core cross-platform development workload, and then choose Modify.

Option 2: Use the Tools menu bar

  1. Cancel out of the New Project dialog box and from the top menu bar, choose Tools > Get Tools and Features.

  2. The Visual Studio Installer launches. Choose the .NET Core cross-platform development workload, and then choose Modify.

  1. Open Visual Studio 2019.

  2. On the start window, choose Create a new project.

  3. On the Create a new project window, enter or type console in the search box. Next, choose C# from the Language list, and then choose Windows from the Platform list.

    After you apply the language and platform filters, choose the Console App (.NET Core) template, and then choose Next.


    If you do not see the Console App (.NET Core) template, you can install it from the Create a new project window. In the Not finding what you're looking for? message, choose the Install more tools and features link.

    Then, in the Visual Studio Installer, choose the .NET Core cross-platform development workload.

    After that, choose the Modify button in the Visual Studio Installer. You might be prompted to save your work; if so, do so. Next, choose Continue to install the workload. Then, return to step 2 in this 'Create a project' procedure.

  4. In the Configure your new project window, type or enter Calculator in the Project name box. Then, choose Create.

    Visual Studio opens your new project, which includes default 'Hello World' code.

Create the app

First, we'll explore some basic integer math in C#. Then, we'll add code to create a basic calculator. After that, we'll debug the app to find and fix errors. And finally, we'll refine the code to make it more efficient.

Explore integer math

Let's start with some basic integer math in C#.

Macos App Development And Dialogue Box For User Input
  1. In the code editor, delete the default 'Hello World' code.

    Specifically, delete the line that says, Console.WriteLine('Hello World!');.

  2. In its place, type the following code:

    Notice that when you do so, the IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio offers you the option to autocomplete the entry.


    The following animation isn't intended to duplicate the preceding code. It's intended only to show how the autocomplete feature works.

  3. Choose the green Start button next to Calculator to build and run your program, or press F5.

    A console window opens that reveals the sum of 42 + 119, which is 161.

  4. (Optional) You can change the operator to change the result. For example, you can change the + operator in the int c = a + b; line of code to - for subtraction, * for multiplication, or / for division. Then, when you run the program, the result changes, too.

  5. Close the console window.

    Rust what is the target triple for macos. Load 'activity monitor'3. (you should have 6-8GB for rust)The Mac will 'page' the memory to disk.1.start your mac2.

Add code to create a calculator

Let's continue by adding a more complex set of calculator code to your project.

  1. Delete all the code you see in the code editor.

  2. Enter or paste the following new code into the code editor:

  3. Choose Calculator to run your program, or press F5.

    A console window opens.

  4. View your app in the console window, and then follow the prompts to add the numbers 42 and 119.

    Your app should look similar to the following screenshot:

Add functionality to the calculator

Let's tweak the code to add further functionality.

Add decimals

The calculator app currently accepts and returns whole numbers. But, it will be more precise if we add code that allows for decimals.

As in the following screenshot, if you run the app and divide number 42 by the number 119, your result is 0 (zero), which isn't exact.

Let's fix the code so that it handles decimals.

  1. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace control.

  2. Change each instance of the int variable to float.

    Make sure that you toggle Match case (Alt+C) and Match whole word (Alt+W) in the Find and Replace control.

  3. Run your calculator app again and divide the number 42 by the number 119.

    Notice that the app now returns a decimal numeral instead of zero.

However, the app produces only a decimal result. Let's make a few more tweaks to the code so that the app can calculate decimals too.

  1. Use the Find and Replace control (Ctrl + H) to change each instance of the float variable to double, and to change each instance of the Convert.ToInt32 method to Convert.ToDouble.

  2. Run your calculator app and divide the number 42.5 by the number 119.75.

    Notice that the app now accepts decimal values and returns a longer decimal numeral as its result.

    (We'll fix the number of decimal places in the Revise the code section.)

Debug the app

We've improved on our basic calculator app, but it doesn't yet have fail safes in place to handle exceptions, such as user input errors.

For example, if you try to divide a number by zero, or enter an alpha character when the app expects a numeric character (or vice versa), the app might stop working, return an error, or return an unexpected nonnumeric result.

Let's walk through a few common user input errors, locate them in the debugger if they appear there, and fix them in the code.


For more information about the debugger and how it works, see the First look at the Visual Studio debugger page.

Fix the 'divide by zero' error

When you try to divide a number by zero, the console app might freeze and then show you what's wrong in the code editor.


Sometimes, the app doesn't freeze and the debugger won't show a divide-by-zero error. Instead, the app might return an unexpected nonnumeric result, such as an infinity symbol. The following code fix still applies.

Let's change the code to handle this error.

  1. Delete the code that appears directly between case 'd': and the comment that says // Wait for the user to respond before closing.

  2. Replace it with the following code:

    After you add the code, the section with the switch statement should look similar to the following screenshot:

Now, when you divide any number by zero, the app will ask for another number. Even better: It won't stop asking until you provide a number other than zero.

Fix the 'format' error

If you enter an alpha character when the app expects a numeric character (or vice versa), the console app freezes. Visual Studio then shows you what's wrong in the code editor.

To fix this error, we must refactor the code that we've previously entered.

Revise the code

Rather than rely on the program class to handle all the code, we'll divide our app into two classes: Calculator and Program.

The Calculator class will handle the bulk of the calculation work, and the Program class will handle the user interface and error-capturing work.

Let's get started.

  1. Delete everything in the Calculator namespace between its opening and closing braces:

  2. Next, add a new Calculator class, as follows:

  3. Then, add a new Program class, as follows:

  4. Choose Calculator to run your program, or press F5.

  5. Follow the prompts and divide the number 42 by the number 119. Your app should look similar to the following screenshot:

    Notice that you have the option to enter more equations until you choose to close the console app. And, we've also reduced the number of decimal places in the result.

Macos App Development And Dialogue Box For User Input In Excel

Close the app

  1. If you haven't already done so, close the calculator app.

  2. Close the Output pane in Visual Studio.

  3. In Visual Studio, press Ctrl+S to save your app.

  4. Close Visual Studio.

Code complete

During this tutorial, we've made a lot of changes to the calculator app. The app now handles computing resources more efficiently, and it handles most user input errors.

Here's the complete code, all in one place:

Next steps

Congratulations on completing this tutorial! To learn even more, continue with the following tutorials.

See also

Text Fields

A text field is a rectangular area in which the user enters or edits one or more lines of text. A text field can contain plain or styled text.

There are several types of text field.

  • A label is a text field that displays static text
  • A search field is a text field that facilitates searching
  • A token field is a text field that displays tokenized text

For developer guidance, see NSTextField.

Data Entry

Use an introductory label or placeholder text to help communicate purpose. A label helps the user understand what type of information they should enter. A text field can also contain placeholder text—such as Email or Password—when there’s no other text in the field. A label is often unnecessary when placeholder text is present. Generally, labels should use title-style capitalization and end with a colon, while placeholder text should use sentence-style capitalization and no punctuation. For related guidance, see Labels.

Macos app development and dialogue box for user input in windows 10

Placeholder text

Perform field validation. Let the user know if they’ve entered an invalid value. If the only legitimate value for a field is a string of digits, for example, your app should alert the user if they’ve entered characters other than digits. In most cases, the best time to check the data is when the user clicks outside the field or presses the Return, Enter, or Tab key.

Use a number formatter to aid with numeric data entry. A number formatter automatically configures the text field to accept only numeric values. It can also be set to display the value in a specific way, such as with a certain number of decimal places, as a percentage, or as currency. Don't assume the actual presentation of data, however, as formatting can vary significantly based on the user's locale.

Parts Of Dialogue Box

Adjust line breaks accordingly. By default, any text extending beyond the bounds of a text field is clipped. A text field, however, can be set to wrap text to a new line at the character or word level, or to be truncated (indicated by an ellipsis) at the beginning, middle, or end.

Wrapped text

Use secure text fields when asking for sensitive data, like a password. A secure text field obscures the entered text by replacing it with bullets.

Let the user adjust text attributes if it makes sense. If your text field contains styled text, it may add value if the user can adjust the font, size, and color of the text.

Styled text

Consider using an expansion tooltip to show the full version of clipped or truncated text. An expansion tooltip behaves like a help tag and appears when the user places the pointer over the field.

For related guidance, see Data Entry.

Layout Considerations

To the extent possible, match the size of a text field to the quantity of anticipated text. The size of a text field helps people gauge the amount of information to provide.

Macos App Development And Dialogue Box For User Input Pdf

Evenly space multiple text fields. If your layout includes multiple text fields, leave enough space between them so users can easily see which input field belongs with each introductory label.

Generally, stack multiple text fields vertically. If you must position multiple labeled text fields horizontally, leave plenty of space between the end of one text field and the label of the next.

Use consistent text field widths to create a more organized layout. Using the same widths for multiple fields helps improve readability and provides a way to group related fields. For instance, the first and last name fields on an address form might be one width, while the address and city fields might be a different width.

Components Of Dialogue Box

Ensure that tabbing between multiple fields flows as expected. When tabbing between fields, focus should move in a logical sequence. The system attempts to achieve this result automatically, so customization is needed only in rare instances.

Macos App Development And Dialogue Box For User Input Pdf

Use a combo box to pair text input with a list of choices. Don’t try to achieve the same effect by pairing a text field and a popup button. See Combo Boxes.