Command For Macos Symlink Path Xcode

File manipulation command.

Creating a Symlink Using The Terminal. Making a symlink on a Mac is extremely easy. The built-in Terminal app has a command that lets you easily create as many symlinks as you want on your Mac. All that you need to know is the location where you want to create the symlink and the path where the symlink should point to. On those machines, only the Command Line Tools are installed, not the full blown Xcode app. Looking up on SO, we were able to find the command xcrun -show-sdk-path, which prints out an empty line. On the other hand, xcrun -show-sdk-version correctly shows 10.11. Aug 06, 2015 Of course, created symbolic links sometime need to be undone. This is easy with rm, or by using the ‘unlink’ command as follows: rm /path/to/symlink. Unlink /path/to/symlink/ Essentially this is removing the tiny file (again, like an alias) that references the symbolic link to the original item. Mar 08, 2016  Hence, we can have.bashprofiledev in the HOME of the administrator, with all the PATH settings and command line conveniences for starting / stopping servers, etc as the need arises. This can be executed whenever the user needs to change their role, by running.bashprofiledev or source.bashprofiledev at the command prompt. Aug 06, 2015  A symbolic link created at the command line allows a linked object in the file system to point to an original object in a different location. In this way, symbolic links behave much like an alias does in the Mac OS X GUI, except that the linking and reference between files or folders is done at a lower level, and thus can be pointed directly to by various applications or user purposes.


Read content from a file called <filename> and store it in a<variable>. Optionally start from the given <offset> andread at most <max-in> bytes. The HEX option causes data tobe converted to a hexadecimal representation (useful for binary data). If theHEX option is specified, letters in the output (a through f) are inlowercase.

Parse a list of ASCII strings from <filename> and store it in<variable>. Binary data in the file are ignored. Carriage return(r, CR) characters are ignored. The options are:


Consider only strings of at most a given length.


Consider only strings of at least a given length.


Limit the number of distinct strings to be extracted.


Limit the number of input bytes to read from the file.


Limit the number of total bytes to store in the <variable>.


Treat newline characters (n, LF) as part of string contentinstead of terminating at them.


Intel Hex and Motorola S-record files are automatically converted tobinary while reading unless this option is given.


Consider only strings that match the given regular expression.


Consider strings of a given encoding. Currently supported encodings are:UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE. If the ENCODING optionis not provided and the file has a Byte Order Mark, the ENCODING optionwill be defaulted to respect the Byte Order Mark.

For example, the code

stores a list in the variable myfile in which each item is a linefrom the input file.

Compute a cryptographic hash of the content of <filename> andstore it in a <variable>. The supported <HASH> algorithm namesare those listed by the string(<HASH>)command.

Compute a string representation of the modification time of <filename>and store it in <variable>. Should the command be unable to obtain atimestamp variable will be set to the empty string (“”).

See the string(TIMESTAMP) command for documentation ofthe <format> and UTC options.

Recursively get the list of libraries depended on by the given files.

Please note that this sub-command is not intended to be used in project mode.Instead, use it in an install(CODE) or install(SCRIPT)block. For example:

The arguments are as follows:


Name of the variable in which to store the list of resolved dependencies.


Name of the variable in which to store the list of unresolved dependencies.If this variable is not specified, and there are any unresolved dependencies,an error is issued.


Variable prefix in which to store conflicting dependency information.Dependencies are conflicting if two files with the same name are found intwo different directories. The list of filenames that conflict are stored in<conflicting_deps_prefix>_FILENAMES. For each filename, the list of pathsthat were found for that filename are stored in<conflicting_deps_prefix>_<filename>.

Command For Mac Os Symlink Path Xcode Download


List of executable files to read for dependencies. These are executables thatare typically created with add_executable(), but they do not have tobe created by CMake. On Apple platforms, the paths to these files determinethe value of @executable_path when recursively resolving the libraries.Specifying any kind of library (STATIC, MODULE, or SHARED) herewill result in undefined behavior.


List of library files to read for dependencies. These are libraries that aretypically created with add_library(SHARED), but they do not haveto be created by CMake. Specifying STATIC libraries, MODULElibraries, or executables here will result in undefined behavior.


List of loadable module files to read for dependencies. These are modulesthat are typically created with add_library(MODULE), but they donot have to be created by CMake. They are typically used by callingdlopen() at runtime rather than linked at link time with ld-l.Specifying STATIC libraries, SHARED libraries, or executables herewill result in undefined behavior.


List of additional directories to search for dependencies. On Linuxplatforms, these directories are searched if the dependency is not found inany of the other usual paths. If it is found in such a directory, a warningis issued, because it means that the file is incomplete (it does not list allof the directories that contain its dependencies). On Windows platforms,these directories are searched if the dependency is not found in any of theother search paths, but no warning is issued, because searching other pathsis a normal part of Windows dependency resolution. On Apple platforms, thisargument has no effect.


Executable to treat as the “bundle executable” when resolving libraries. OnApple platforms, this argument determines the value of @executable_pathwhen recursively resolving libraries for LIBRARIES and MODULES files.It has no effect on EXECUTABLES files. On other platforms, it has noeffect. This is typically (but not always) one of the executables in theEXECUTABLES argument which designates the “main” executable of thepackage.

The following arguments specify filters for including or excluding libraries tobe resolved. See below for a full description of how they work.


List of pre-include regexes through which to filter the names ofnot-yet-resolved dependencies.


List of pre-exclude regexes through which to filter the names ofnot-yet-resolved dependencies.


List of post-include regexes through which to filter the names of resolveddependencies.


List of post-exclude regexes through which to filter the names of resolveddependencies.

These arguments can be used to blacklist unwanted system libraries whenresolving the dependencies, or to whitelist libraries from a specificdirectory. The filtering works as follows:

  1. If the not-yet-resolved dependency matches any of thePRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES, steps 2 and 3 are skipped, and the dependencyresolution proceeds to step 4.

  2. If the not-yet-resolved dependency matches any of thePRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES, dependency resolution stops for that dependency.

  3. Otherwise, dependency resolution proceeds.

  4. file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) searches for the dependency according tothe linking rules of the platform (see below).

  5. If the dependency is found, and its full path matches one of thePOST_INCLUDE_REGEXES, the full path is added to the resolveddependencies, and file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) recursively resolvesthat library’s own dependencies. Otherwise, resolution proceeds to step 6.

  6. If the dependency is found, but its full path matches one of thePOST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES, it is not added to the resolved dependencies, anddependency resolution stops for that dependency.

  7. If the dependency is found, and its full path does not match eitherPOST_INCLUDE_REGEXES or POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES, the full path is addedto the resolved dependencies, and file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)recursively resolves that library’s own dependencies.

Different platforms have different rules for how dependencies are resolved.These specifics are described here.

On Linux platforms, library resolution works as follows:

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  1. If the depending file does not have any RUNPATH entries, and the libraryexists in one of the depending file’s RPATH entries, or its parents’, inthat order, the dependency is resolved to that file.

  2. Otherwise, if the depending file has any RUNPATH entries, and thelibrary exists in one of those entries, the dependency is resolved to thatfile.

  3. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories listed byldconfig, the dependency is resolved to that file.

  4. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the DIRECTORIES entries, thedependency is resolved to that file. In this case, a warning is issued,because finding a file in one of the DIRECTORIES means that thedepending file is not complete (it does not list all the directories fromwhich it pulls dependencies).

  5. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.

On Windows platforms, library resolution works as follows:

  1. The dependent DLL name is converted to lowercase. Windows DLL names arecase-insensitive, and some linkers mangle the case of the DLL dependencynames. However, this makes it more difficult for PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES,PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES, POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES, andPOST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES to properly filter DLL names - every regex wouldhave to check for both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example:

    Converting the DLL name to lowercase allows the regexes to only matchlowercase names, thus simplifying the regex. For example:

    This regex will match mylibrary.dll regardless of how it is cased,either on disk or in the depending file. (For example, it will matchmylibrary.dll, MyLibrary.dll, and MYLIBRARY.DLL.)

    Please note that the directory portion of any resolved DLLs retains itscasing and is not converted to lowercase. Only the filename portion isconverted.

  2. (Not yet implemented) If the depending file is a Windows Store app, andthe dependency is listed as a dependency in the application’s packagemanifest, the dependency is resolved to that file.

  3. Otherwise, if the library exists in the same directory as the dependingfile, the dependency is resolved to that file.

  4. Otherwise, if the library exists in either the operating system’ssystem32 directory or the Windows directory, in that order, thedependency is resolved to that file.

  5. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories specified byDIRECTORIES, in the order they are listed, the dependency is resolved tothat file. In this case, a warning is not issued, because searching otherdirectories is a normal part of Windows library resolution.

  6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.

On Apple platforms, library resolution works as follows:

  1. If the dependency starts with @executable_path/, and an EXECUTABLESargument is in the process of being resolved, and replacing@executable_path/ with the directory of the executable yields anexisting file, the dependency is resolved to that file.

  2. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with @executable_path/, and there isa BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE argument, and replacing @executable_path/ withthe directory of the bundle executable yields an existing file, thedependency is resolved to that file.

  3. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with @loader_path/, and replacing@loader_path/ with the directory of the depending file yields anexisting file, the dependency is resolved to that file.

  4. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with @rpath/, and replacing@rpath/ with one of the RPATH entries of the depending file yieldsan existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file. Note thatRPATH entries that start with @executable_path/ or @loader_path/also have these items replaced with the appropriate path.

  5. Otherwise, if the dependency is an absolute file that exists, the dependencyis resolved to that file.

  6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.

Command for macos symlink path xcode update

This function accepts several variables that determine which tool is used fordependency resolution:


Determines which operating system and executable format the files are builtfor. This could be one of several values:

  • linux+elf

  • windows+pe

  • macos+macho

If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by systemintrospection.


Determines the tool to use for dependency resolution. It could be one ofseveral values, depending on the value ofCMAKE_GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES_PLATFORM:











If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by systemintrospection.


Determines the path to the tool to use for dependency resolution. This is theactual path to objdump, dumpbin, or otool.

If this variable is not specified, it is determined by the value ofCMAKE_OBJDUMP if set, else by system introspection.


Write <content> into a file called <filename>. If the file doesnot exist, it will be created. If the file already exists, WRITEmode will overwrite it and APPEND mode will append to the end.Any directories in the path specified by <filename> that do notexist will be created.

If the file is a build input, use the configure_file() commandto update the file only when its content changes.

Create a file with no content if it does not yet exist. If the file alreadyexists, its access and/or modification will be updated to the time when thefunction call is executed.

Use TOUCH_NOCREATE to touch a file if it exists but not create it. If a filedoes not exist it will be silently ignored.

With TOUCH and TOUCH_NOCREATE the contents of an existing file will not bemodified.

Generate an output file for each build configuration supported by the currentCMakeGenerator. Evaluategeneratorexpressionsfrom the input content to produce the output content. The options are:


Generate the output file for a particular configuration only ifthe condition is true. The condition must be either 0 or 1after evaluating generator expressions.


Use the content given explicitly as input.


Use the content from a given file as input.A relative path is treated with respect to the value ofCMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR. See policy CMP0070.


Specify the output file name to generate. Use generator expressionssuch as $<CONFIG> to specify a configuration-specific output filename. Multiple configurations may generate the same output file onlyif the generated content is identical. Otherwise, the <output-file>must evaluate to an unique name for each configuration.A relative path (after evaluating generator expressions) is treatedwith respect to the value of CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.See policy CMP0070.

Exactly one CONTENT or INPUT option must be given. A specificOUTPUT file may be named by at most one invocation of file(GENERATE).Generated files are modified and their timestamp updated on subsequent cmakeruns only if their content is changed.

Note also that file(GENERATE) does not create the output file until thegeneration phase. The output file will not yet have been written when thefile(GENERATE) command returns, it is written only after processing allof a project’s CMakeLists.txt files.

Generate an output file using the input given by CONTENT and substitutevariable values referenced as @VAR@ or ${VAR} contained therein. Thesubstitution rules behave the same as the configure_file() command.In order to match configure_file()’s behavior, generator expressionsare not supported for both OUTPUT and CONTENT.

The arguments are:


Mac Os Mojave

Specify the output file name to generate. A relative path is treated withrespect to the value of CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.<output-file> does not support generator expressions.


Use the content given explicitly as input.<content> does not support generator expressions.


Escape any substituted quotes with backslashes (C-style).


Restrict variable replacement to references of the form @VAR@.This is useful for configuring scripts that use ${VAR} syntax.


Specify the newline style for the output file. SpecifyUNIX or LF for n newlines, or specifyDOS, WIN32, or CRLF for rn newlines.


Generate a list of files that match the <globbing-expressions> andstore it into the <variable>. Globbing expressions are similar toregular expressions, but much simpler. If RELATIVE flag isspecified, the results will be returned as relative paths to the givenpath. The results will be ordered lexicographically.

On Windows and macOS, globbing is case-insensitive even if the underlyingfilesystem is case-sensitive (both filenames and globbing expressions areconverted to lowercase before matching). On other platforms, globbing iscase-sensitive.

If the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag is specified, CMake will add logicto the main build system check target to rerun the flagged GLOB commandsat build time. If any of the outputs change, CMake will regenerate the buildsystem.

By default GLOB lists directories - directories are omitted in result ifLIST_DIRECTORIES is set to false.


We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files fromyour source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source isadded or removed then the generated build system cannot know when toask CMake to regenerate.The CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag may not work reliably on all generators, or ifa new generator is added in the future that cannot support it, projects usingit will be stuck. Even if CONFIGURE_DEPENDS works reliably, there isstill a cost to perform the check on every rebuild.

Examples of globbing expressions include:

The GLOB_RECURSE mode will traverse all the subdirectories of thematched directory and match the files. Subdirectories that are symlinksare only traversed if FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is given or policyCMP0009 is not set to NEW.

By default GLOB_RECURSE omits directories from result list - settingLIST_DIRECTORIES to true adds directories to result list.If FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is given or policy CMP0009 is not set toNEW then LIST_DIRECTORIES treats symlinks as directories.

Examples of recursive globbing include:

Move a file or directory within a filesystem from <oldname> to<newname>, replacing the destination atomically.

Remove the given files. The REMOVE_RECURSE mode will remove the givenfiles and directories, also non-empty directories. No error is emitted if agiven file does not exist. Relative input paths are evaluated with respectto the current source directory. Empty input paths are ignored with a warning.

Create the given directories and their parents as needed.

The COPY signature copies files, directories, and symlinks to adestination folder. Relative input paths are evaluated with respectto the current source directory, and a relative destination isevaluated with respect to the current build directory. Copyingpreserves input file timestamps, and optimizes out a file if it existsat the destination with the same timestamp. Copying preserves inputpermissions unless explicit permissions or NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONSare given (default is USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS).

If FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN is specified, COPY will recursively resolvethe symlinks at the paths given until a real file is found, and installa corresponding symlink in the destination for each symlink encountered. Foreach symlink that is installed, the resolution is stripped of the directory,leaving only the filename, meaning that the new symlink points to a file inthe same directory as the symlink. This feature is useful on some Unix systems,where libraries are installed as a chain of symlinks with version numbers, withless specific versions pointing to more specific versions.FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN will install all of these symlinks and the libraryitself into the destination directory. For example, if you have the followingdirectory structure:

  • /opt/foo/lib/

  • /opt/foo/lib/>

  • /opt/foo/lib/>

  • /opt/foo/lib/>

and you do:

This will install all of the symlinks and itself intolib.

See the install(DIRECTORY) command for documentation ofpermissions, FILES_MATCHING, PATTERN, REGEX, andEXCLUDE options. Copying directories preserves the structureof their content even if options are used to select a subset offiles.

The INSTALL signature differs slightly from COPY: it printsstatus messages (subject to the CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable),and NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS is default.Installation scripts generated by the install() commanduse this signature (with some undocumented options for internal use).

Determine the file size of the <filename> and put the result in<variable> variable. Requires that <filename> is a valid pathpointing to a file and is readable.

This subcommand queries the symlink <linkname> and stores the path itpoints to in the result <variable>. If <linkname> does not exist oris not a symlink, CMake issues a fatal error.

Note that this command returns the raw symlink path and does not resolvea relative path. The following is an example of how to ensure that anabsolute path is obtained:

Create a link <linkname> that points to <original>.It will be a hard link by default, but providing the SYMBOLIC optionresults in a symbolic link instead. Hard links require that originalexists and is a file, not a directory. If <linkname> already exists,it will be overwritten.

The <result> variable, if specified, receives the status of the operation.It is set to 0 upon success or an error message otherwise. If RESULTis not specified and the operation fails, a fatal error is emitted.

Specifying COPY_ON_ERROR enables copying the file as a fallback ifcreating the link fails. It can be useful for handling situations such as<original> and <linkname> being on different drives or mount points,which would make them unable to support a hard link.

Path Conversion¶

Compute the relative path from a <directory> to a <file> andstore it in the <variable>.

The TO_CMAKE_PATH mode converts a native <path> into a cmake-stylepath with forward-slashes (/). The input can be a single path or asystem search path like $ENV{PATH}. A search path will be convertedto a cmake-style list separated by ; characters.

The TO_NATIVE_PATH mode converts a cmake-style <path> into a nativepath with platform-specific slashes ( on Windows and / elsewhere).

Always use double quotes around the <path> to be sure it is treatedas a single argument to this command.


The DOWNLOAD mode downloads the given <url> to a local <file>.The UPLOAD mode uploads a local <file> to a given <url>.

Options to both DOWNLOAD and UPLOAD are:


Terminate the operation after a period of inactivity.


Store a human-readable log of the operation in a variable.


Print progress information as status messages until the operation iscomplete.


Store the resulting status of the operation in a variable.The status is a ; separated list of length 2.The first element is the numeric return value for the operation,and the second element is a string value for the error.A 0 numeric error means no error in the operation.


Terminate the operation after a given total time has elapsed.


Set username and password for operation.


HTTP header for operation. Suboption can be repeated several times.


Specify whether the .netrc file is to be used for operation. If thisoption is not specified, the value of the CMAKE_NETRC variablewill be used instead.Valid levels are:


The .netrc file is ignored.This is the default.


The .netrc file is optional, and information in the URL is preferred.The file will be scanned to find which ever information is not specifiedin the URL.


The .netrc file is required, and information in the URL is ignored.


Specify an alternative .netrc file to the one in your home directory,if the NETRC level is OPTIONAL or REQUIRED. If this optionis not specified, the value of the CMAKE_NETRC_FILE variable willbe used instead.

If neither NETRC option is given CMake will check variablesCMAKE_NETRC and CMAKE_NETRC_FILE, respectively.


Specify whether to verify the server certificate for https:// URLs.The default is to not verify.


Specify a custom Certificate Authority file for https:// URLs.

For https:// URLs CMake must be built with OpenSSL support. TLS/SSLcertificates are not checked by default. Set TLS_VERIFY to ON tocheck certificates. If neither TLS option is given CMake will checkvariables CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY and CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO, respectively.

Additional options to DOWNLOAD are:


Verify that the downloaded content hash matches the expected value, whereALGO is one of the algorithms supported by file(<HASH>).If it does not match, the operation fails with an error.


Historical short-hand for EXPECTED_HASHMD5=<value>.


Lock a file specified by <path> if no DIRECTORY option present and file<path>/cmake.lock otherwise. File will be locked for scope defined byGUARD option (default value is PROCESS). RELEASE option can be usedto unlock file explicitly. If option TIMEOUT is not specified CMake willwait until lock succeed or until fatal error occurs. If TIMEOUT is set to0 lock will be tried once and result will be reported immediately. IfTIMEOUT is not 0 CMake will try to lock file for the period specifiedby <seconds> value. Any errors will be interpreted as fatal if there is noRESULT_VARIABLE option. Otherwise result will be stored in <variable>and will be 0 on success or error message on failure.

Note that lock is advisory - there is no guarantee that other processes willrespect this lock, i.e. lock synchronize two or more CMake instances sharingsome modifiable resources. Similar logic applied to DIRECTORY option -locking parent directory doesn’t prevent other LOCK commands to lock anychild directory or file.

Trying to lock file twice is not allowed. Any intermediate directories andfile itself will be created if they not exist. GUARD and TIMEOUToptions ignored on RELEASE operation.


Creates the specified <archive> file with the files and directorieslisted in <paths>. Note that <paths> must list actual files ordirectories, wildcards are not supported.

Use the FORMAT option to specify the archive format. Supported valuesfor <format> are 7zip, gnutar, pax, paxr, raw andzip. If FORMAT is not given, the default format is paxr.

Some archive formats allow the type of compression to be specified.The 7zip and zip archive formats already imply a specific type ofcompression. The other formats use no compression by default, but can bedirected to do so with the COMPRESSION option. Valid values for<compression> are None, BZip2, GZip, XZ, and Zstd.


With FORMAT set to raw only one file will be compressed with thecompression type specified by COMPRESSION.

The VERBOSE option enables verbose output for the archive operation.

To specify the modification time recorded in tarball entries, usethe MTIME option.

Extracts or lists the content of the specified <archive>.

The directory where the content of the archive will be extracted to canbe specified using the DESTINATION option. If the directory does notexist, it will be created. If DESTINATION is not given, the currentbinary directory will be used.

If required, you may select which files and directories to list or extractfrom the archive using the specified <patterns>. Wildcards are supported.If the PATTERNS option is not given, the entire archive will be listed orextracted.

LIST_ONLY will list the files in the archive rather than extract them.

With VERBOSE, the command will produce verbose output.